A twenty-three centuries-long journey in search of the secret of prime numbers

In 1859 the great German mathematician, Bernhard Riemann, presented to the Academy of Sciences in Berlin a paper titled “Über die Anzahl der Primzahlen under einer gegebenen Grösse” (On the Number of Prime Numbers Below A Given Quantity).

This work was originally written in a manuscript of only six pages and yet it unfolds fascinating depth and originality.

It has led to one of the most captivating mathematical problems in history:

The Riemann Hypothesis

The book exposes the mathematical concepts related to the Riemann hypothesis and its historical context

This book will take us, along a wonderful historical journey, to understand Riemann’s works, to formulate his hypothesis and to know its implications.

It works in two independent volumes:

+ Vol1: With the mathematical history from Euclid to Riemann See Chapters

Chapter 0: Introduction read now

Chapter 1: A trip to Göttingenread now

Chapter 7: Gauss: Princeps Mathematicorum read now

Chapter 8: The Prime Number Theorem read now

…many more chapters await you BUY NOW

+ Vol2: With the mathematical history from Riemann to 2020 See Chapters

Chapter 11: Bernhard Riemann – The shy genius read now

Chapter 14: Forty years of assimilationread now

Chapter 16: The magical analytical formula of Π (x)read now

Chapter 23: The Experts Speaking read now

…many more chapters await you BUY NOW

About the book

The book exposes the mathematical concepts related to the Riemann hypothesis and its historical context, accompanying the reader on a wonderful journey of twenty-three centuries in search of the secret of the prime numbers.

Riemann’s manuscript, with only six pages of fascinating depth and originality, gave rise to one of the most compelling mathematical problems in history: the Riemann Hypothesis.

In it he made a conjecture that generated the greatest mathematical movement in search of his proof. Riemann’s work connected in an elegant and brilliant way the theory of prime numbers with mathematical analysis, opening multiple avenues for subsequent researchers, which have led to surprising results.

A creative process

A journey through the creation of the book

The Author

José Luis Pérez, electronic engineer, has been CEO and founder of several companies, and is currently the founder and CEO of Lampsy Personal Mobility.

He is fond of the history of mathematics, especially Number Theory.

Between 2011 and 2016 he took a few years off and, among other hobbies, wrote this work, for which he documented himself in a very deep way, complementing it with several trips to universities and academic centers in Europe and the USA that treasure the best information about the Riemann hypothesis, interviewing the mathematicians who best know it.

Get it

The Riemann Hypothesis. Work in two independent volumes: Vol. 1 (493 pages), with the mathematical history from Euclid to Riemann; Vol. 2 (470 pages), from Riemann to 2020.

The edition of the book was made by Parega Foundation, it has a hard cover, a weight of 953 grams each volume and a grammage of 90 grams.

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